2016年5月31日 星期二

An alien comes to earth and....

An alien came to Earth, and he transformed into a human body to research human kind, try to comprehend the culture on this blue planet, at first, he found out that people raises their kids till they grown up, that is pretty different from the alien’s own culture, on his planet, parents died as soon as they give birth to their child, so the kids have to live by themselves, babies here seems that they don’t have the ability to live by them own.
And the foods they eat are also weird for the alien. What a savage race! They eat other animals’ meat, such as chicken, beef, pork, fish and many other creatures, because vegetables are only things that aliens eat, so eating living creatures is really not a good idea for him, and the first time he went to a restaurant, when he saw the menu, he almost fainted, he really can’t understand why people likes to eat meat, and another strange thing he discovered was people in some places like to eat things with a lot of spice, on his planet, foods usually tasted with its original flavor, he think spice might destroy the harmony of the ingredients.
The social structure of the humanity is pretty interesting for him, they work together, every person is necessarily for the group, even they have different classes, still need everyone’s power to make things working right, there is a special connection between each person, and different groups or companies are also connected closely, these complicate relationship keep the human society working, that is the thing that he doesn’t have in his birthplace, on his planet, aliens compete with each other, because they can live by themselves, and the power is the only way to show the opposite sex that which one is better, the more success you have, the more possibility to find a better mate, so our race usually fight with each other, there is no “team work” for them.
Alien has researching people for almost 80 years, the more he know about the people, the more he loves them, and he found out that these days he stay on earth, the air makes him more like a human, he can feel the change inside his body, this body is not the receptacle anymore, it is the part of him, he feels like he is a real human, looks like a human, talks like a human, thinks like a human, and he even married with a beautiful lady ,and raise three kids in a small town as a normal high-school teacher, he has a normal human life, no invasion like old alien movies, no enslave people that we worry about, from the very first time, he just wants to be with us, wants to be the part of us, all he looking for is just the simple life that same as you and me.

At the end of the alien’s life, there is no regret, after he closed his eyes, he fell into pieces and dispersed by the wind.            

2015年10月23日 星期五

Questions about global warming


When computers smarter than human

Nick Bostrom said there is a possibility that someday artificial intelligence will update by themselves , they can evolution without our hands , that means those human-level machine intelligence can push the technology to another level , but at the same time we should think about if A.I is that smart , can we still have power to control it ? maybe just like some of science fiction novels and movies , those machines will dominate us , it's pretty terrible right?  

2015年9月22日 星期二

What do i think Global Citizenship and Cultural Literacy

What is Global Citizenship and Cultural Literacy?I think they're big issues that all of us should think about,in these days we can get information from all around the world by only couple clicks ,the world is getting closer and closer ,we have more connection between countries than the past,we can know almost everything from the internet, but at the same time we have the responsibility to care about the global issue and show the respect to different cultures,we should keep a notion in our mind :We are all family ,there is no different between us, with little empathy and compassion,the world will become better and better!

What did i do in the summer vacation

This summer vacation I have tried working in a restaurant and supermarket,it was a pretty special experience for me ;as a slow and lazy man,I had a hard time adapting the workplace,but with colleagues' help I 'm getting better day by day,although still a little clumsy ,but I'm not the guy from the past,stronger and better,I can feel the change that is inspiring me,but still has to say .....it's really exhausting to carry two job in one day....